Godziny pracy dzisiaj dla Box Jumbo

09:00 - 22:00

Otwiera w 09:00 Dzisiaj
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Edytowac te Godziny otwarcia

🕗 Box Jumbo Godziny otwarcia w Viseu, 3500 - 606

3500 - 606 Palácio do Gelo, Quinta da Alagoa, Ranhados Viseu, pt
Tel: 232247100
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Jumbo was the biggest elephant in captivity. Due to this, American showman P. T. Barnum wanted Jumbo in his circus, eventually buying the elephant in 1882 for $10,000. Jumbo's sale initiated public outrage in Britain, and drew notice around the world. The British objected to the sale, and wrote letters to Queen Victoria urging that Jumbo remain in London. "Jumbomania", a fad for all things Jumbo, was born at this time. The western world was flooded with Jumbo neckties, jewelry, soaps, and other ornaments and souvenirs.


Najblizszy Box Jumbo sklepy, Box Jumbo Viseu Palácio do Gelo

Radio Popular Viseu Palácio do Gelo Shopping, Viseu

Quinta da Alagoa, piso 0 - Loja 21, 49.2 m

Otwiera w 10:00 Dzisiaj


Centro Comercial Glicinias, E.N. 109, 61.7 km

Otwiera w 09:00 Dzisiaj

Box Jumbo Guarda Bombeiros Voluntários Egitanienses, Guarda

Avª dos Bombeiros Voluntários Egitanienses, nº 5, 55.8 km

Otwiera w 09:00 Dzisiaj

Box Jumbo Viseu Quinta da Alagoa, Viseu

Quinta da Alagoa Estrada Nelas, 22.3 km

Otwiera w 09:00 Dzisiaj

Vodafone Loja Viseu - C.C. Palácio do Gelo, Viseu

Quinta da Alagoa, 0.0 m

Otwiera w 10:00 Dzisiaj

Vodafone Loja Viseu - Lg Humberto Delgado, Viseu

Largo General Humberto Delgado, nº 18 a 22, 1.2 km

Otwiera w 09:00 Dzisiaj