Godziny pracy dzisiaj dla Box Jumbo

09:00 - 23:00

Otwiera w 09:00 dzisiaj (w 53 min)
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Edytowac te Godziny otwarcia

🕗 Box Jumbo Godziny otwarcia w Palmela, 2950 - 302

2950 - 302 E. N. 379 Bombas Lage-S.Julião - Volta da Pedra Palmela, pt
Tel: 265249300
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Jumbo was the biggest elephant in captivity. Due to this, American showman P. T. Barnum wanted Jumbo in his circus, eventually buying the elephant in 1882 for $10,000. Jumbo's sale initiated public outrage in Britain, and drew notice around the world. The British objected to the sale, and wrote letters to Queen Victoria urging that Jumbo remain in London. "Jumbomania", a fad for all things Jumbo, was born at this time. The western world was flooded with Jumbo neckties, jewelry, soaps, and other ornaments and souvenirs.


Najblizszy Box Jumbo sklepy, Box Jumbo Palmela Volta da Pedra

Worten Palmela Volta da Pedra, Palmela

Estrada Nacional 252 Volta da Pedra, 0.0 m

Otwiera w 08:30 dzisiaj (w 23 min)

Radio Popular Setúbal Atlantic Park, Setúbal

Av. Mestre Lima Freitas, Arm. D Estrada de Algeruz, 5.0 km

Otwiera w 10:00 Dzisiaj

Box Jumbo Coina Barreiro Retail Park, Coina

Barreiro Retail Park, Estrada Nacional 10 Km 18,5, 13.5 km

Otwiera w 09:00 dzisiaj (w 53 min)

Box Jumbo Setúbal Coração de Maria, Setúbal

Centro Comercial Alegro, Avenida Coração de Maria, 4.6 km

Otwiera w 09:00 dzisiaj (w 53 min)

Box Jumbo Setúbal Engº Ferreira Dias, Setúbal

Rua Engº Ferreira Dias - Vale do Cobre, 5.6 km

Otwiera w 09:00 dzisiaj (w 53 min)

Vodafone Loja Setúbal - C.C. Jumbo, Setúbal

Avenida Coração de Maria, 4.6 km

Otwiera w 10:00 Dzisiaj